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About The Christmas Tree Forum

Who we are

The Christmas Tree Forum is the ultimate digital learning platform designed for Christmas Tree Growers across North America. It was created by the Christmas Tree Council of Nova Scotia and with the support of our many sponsors. We are here to provide valuable educational content for Christmas tree growers. Whether you are already farming Christmas trees or thinking about getting into the industry, find out new and better ways to grow trees and manage your busin

What we do

We provide educational content and information for Christmas Tree Growers with informative speeches and practical advice from industry professionals, sponsors and special guests developed to help you grow and operate your tree production business.

We teach everything you need to know to better grow, manage pests, develop soil, calibrate, label, transport,  business plan, negotiate, and succession plan. We provide you with informative sessions about work place safety including necessary Covid 19 protocols. 

Watch and re-watch at your very own pace. 

Easily navigate our content and presentations that are yours to view, listen, and read with your monthly or year long pass. 

Join us to talk topics. Network with fellow growers and enrich your experience at The Christmas Tree Forum. https://www.facebook.com/christmastreeforum

Have questions? We are here to support you. Reach out to our friendly chat, phone and email support.

Attend The Christmas Tree Forum,
A Growing Place.